The History of Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver is developed by Adobe systems. It was created by Macromedia in 1997 and was acquired by Adobe systems in 2005. Adobe Dreamweaver is a web design and development application that combines a visual design surface and a code editor with standard features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and code collapsing as well as more sophisticated features such as real-time syntax checking. Dreamweaver allows its users to design, code and manage websites as well as mobile and tablet content.

Dreamweaver Platforms

There are several platforms that Dreamweaver can help with. Dreamweaver can be used to edit webpages to be viewed on a desktop computer interface. Dreamweaver can also be used to develop webpages viewable on mobile device interfaces. The third interface that Dreamweaver can help with are tablet interfaces. All of these different interfaces can be managed within dreamweaver by utilizing the .css file types, which control the design of your webpage files. To see an example, visit the tips.html page for tips on how to manage .css and other file types with Dreamweaver CC.

Ruby grassDesktop and Laptop

Desktop Computer

Dreamweaver is a great tool when it comes to managing and editing webpages designed to be viewed on desktop computers. This platform is the main one that dreamweaver is used for especially when Dreamweaver was first developed becasue there was not as much use of mobile devices and other platforms. Dreamweaver can used on a desktop computer or laptop, but the with the growing usage of mobile platforms, Adobe Systems had to make Dreamweaver capable of managing files to be viewed on mobile and tablet platforms as well as desktop.

DogwoodMobile Devices

Mobile Devices

Adobe Systems acquried Dreamweaver in 2005 and with the boom in portable technology, they knew they needed to make Dreamweaver capable of managing files for all platforms of computer technology, not just desktop computers and laptops. Dreamweaver allows the user to manage and edit files to be viewed on various platforms including mobile deveices, such as your phone.



Another platform that Dreamweaver supports is tablets. Dreamweaver allows the user to manage and edit files to be viewed on tablets in addition to mobile devices.

Further Dreamweaver Research

These are some of my favorite links to sites containing tips on how to use Dreamweaver. Take the time to browse through some of the information they offer, then e-mail me at

Adobe Dreamweaver Tutorials
Adobe Dreamweaver Tips
Adobe Dreamweaver Facebook Page

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